If you have shared Hosting, unlimited hosting, word press Hosting or Reseller Hosting and you you configure your email clients outlook. Some time you face issue in configuration or send receive mails. These are codes which show or guide you what is issue and you correct your email clients or address configuration
Common Outlook Error codes
0x800CCC65 -- This error code is indicative that a local firewall such as Zone Alarm or anti-virus software such as NOD32, Norton Antivirus, or McAfee is blocking outgoing connections to your mail server. Try disabling any of this software and see if this error still persists.
0x800CCC67 -- This error is mostly attributed to one of a few things: the ISP is blocking port 25, a local firewall or anti-virus program is blocking SMTP communication or the account in Outlook is setup incorrectly. Please change the SMTP port from 25 to 26, disable any firewalls or anti-virus software.
0x800CCC78 -- Your sender address must be a full email address not simply a username. Please set up your account in Outlook/Outlook Express to use a full account name such as [email protected] instead of simply 'username'
0x800CCC79 -- Please make sure that your client is set up to authenticate SMTP before POP as this is what the error code 0x800CCC79 indicates is the problem.
0x800CCC92 -- Please access your cPanel as the error 0x800CCC92 indicates, there may be a problem with the password for the email account in question or that the email account has become corrupted.
0x8004210B -- Please check the following Microsoft Documentation link as this is a client-side issue: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/827349 .
0x8004210A -- Please check the following Microsoft Documentation link as it is client-side: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/827349 .
0x800C0133 -- Please check the following Microsoft newsgroup link as it seems that your Outlook Express mail store is corrupt: https://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/en-us/...
If that does not work, please see this link for information on disabling your virus scanner's Outlook Express integration. http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/en-us/...
0x800CCC19 -- Please check the following Microsoft Documentation link as it it seems to be a client-side problem with local anti-virus software: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/813518 .
0x800CCC0D -- Please check the following Microsoft Documentation link as it describes common work fixes for the error you're experiencing: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/813514 .
0x800CCC0E -- Please check the following Microsoft Documentation link as it describes how your ISP is blocking ports needed for email access: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/191687 .
0x800CCC0F -- Please check the following Microsoft Documentation link as it could be due to many things client-side from local firewalls: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/813514 .
0x800CCC0B -- Please check the following Microsoft Documentation link as it describes common work fixes for the error you're experiencing: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/827349 .
Try the following steps in addition to what is found in the article:
Your email client is mis-configured
Your ISP is blocking access to port 25
There is a DNS problem with your ISP
There is an error with SMTP on one of our servers
Below you will find the most common solutions to fix the above problems:
Shutdown and restart your computer.
Complete email address for Email Address & User ID.
POP, IMAP, SMTP will be mail.your-domain-name.com.
Make sure Outgoing server has selected Requires Authentication.
Change the Outgoing Port from 25 to 26. Many ISPs are now blocking port 25 to prevent their clients from spamming.
Temporarly turn off all virus and/or firewall software.
Try the ISP's outgoing mail server if the problem persists
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